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Contact Information:

Phone: (913) 573-8131

Hours: 8:00AM - 1:00PM

            1:00PM - 5:00PM

VETERANs treatment COURT

Mission Statement


The mission of the Wyandotte County Veterans Treatment Court is to help veterans in the judicial system build positive, constructive lives while still holding them accountable for their conduct. The Wyandotte County Veterans Treatment Court will accomplish this through offering treatment and services to address substance use and mental health issues, as well as other barriers to veterans leading law abiding, productive lives within our community. This will serve to reduce drug and alcohol abuse, lower recidivism rates, reduce financial impact on our community and promote public safety. This mission is in recognition of our veterans’ service to our Nation and for the sacrifices they have made for the freedom we enjoy as Americans.


The purpose of the Wyandotte County Veterans Treatment Court Program (VTC) is to provide a treatment-based alternative for Veterans from incarceration into supervised treatment and supportive services, amplifying public safety and reducing the reentry of offenders to the criminal justice system.  We offer both a diversion track, and a post-conviction track. Veterans Treatment Court is a partnership between the VA and Wyandotte County Courts to ensure each justice involved veteran has access to services from medical care and treatment for PTSD to housing and employment. Each Veteran participant is matched with a Veteran Mentor to be additional support.

The Veterans Treatment Court represents an innovative approach.  Two primary objectives are to enhance public safety and to ensure successful participation of the Veterans during their assigned case disposition.  The core premise of this Court is intervention and intensive treatment throughout the criminal process. For a great overview of how Veterans Treatment Courts work, we recommend you check out Treatment courts are justice reform - Justice For Vets.

"The Wyandotte County Veterans Treatment Court (VTC), along with the assistance of volunteer veterans, and attorneys, has established a non-profit, 501(c)3 foundation, the Wyandotte Vet Support Group Inc. The foundation is federally recognized and is run by various veterans, and attorneys. The purpose of this non-profit foundation is to be able to assist any of the VTC participants overcome barriers that may be hindering them from being successful in the program, and in completing their treatment. The non-profit is able to accept monetary and non-monetary donations. The foundation participates in local resource fairs and attends local veteran organizations meetings to provide information on the foundation and its purpose. 100% of donations are used solely on the VTC participants.
If you have questions or would like to find out more information about the Wyandotte Vet Support Group Inc., please contact Pat Murphy at (913) 424-4352 or by email at

Front of Courthouse

Hours of Operation:

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

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Main Courthouse

710 N 7th St, Kansas City, KS 66101

Please Note that many of our departments are at lunch from 12PM to 1PM


To view our Holiday Schedule Click Here.

Juvenile Courthouse

738 Ann Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101

About us | Site Index | 2020 29th Judicial District Court | Call 913-573-2940

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