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Contact Information:

Phone: (913) 573-4117

Fax: (913) 573-8155


Hours: 8:00AM - 12:00PM

            1:00PM - 5:00PM



Wyandotte County Traffic Dept

710 Nth 7th St.

Kansas City, KS 66101

Traffic Department


We process tickets written by the Highway Patrol or the Sheriffs Dept. We are in the Wyandotte County District Court, 710 N 7th St, KCK, basement level. 913-573-4117.  Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 M-F.


TRAFFIC TRIALS:  Traffic trials are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 9am in D12 located in the basement.


TRAFFIC DUI DOCKET:  Traffic DUI’s are held each Friday, as scheduled by the Judge, at 1pm in D12 located in the basement.


REGULAR TRAFFIC DOCKET:  First court dates and regular continuances are held each Friday @ 9am in D18 located on the second floor.


DIVERSION PROGRAM: Please contact the District Attorney’s office regarding information about the Diversion program or court dates at 913-573-2851.


Online payments are done through the Centralized Payment Center with a valid debit or credit card and can be found here.

** There is a 4% fee for paying through CitePayUSA with card **

Front of Courthouse

Hours of Operation:

Sunday: Closed

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: Closed

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Main Courthouse

710 N 7th St, Kansas City, KS 66101

Please Note that many of our departments are at lunch from 12PM to 1PM


To view our Holiday Schedule Click Here.

Juvenile Courthouse

738 Ann Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66101

About us | Site Index | 2020 29th Judicial District Court | Call 913-573-2940

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