Adult Probation

The Adult Court Services Department works for the Kansas Office of Judicial Administration to assist the 29th Judicial District Court of Wyandotte County in the following areas:
**Please note this is not community corrections, this is court services, if your supervised by a community corrections officer please contact juvenile community corrections – 913-573-4180**
Pre-Sentence Investigation
In the state of Kansas each person convicted of a felony and certain misdemeanors are required to undergo a presentence investigation which is ordered by the Judge at the time of plea. The report requires the officer to compile the defendant’s criminal history by obtaining criminal conviction records from jurisdictions across the State and the country. The process also requires cooperation from the defendant in completing an interview and other possible assessments which will determine eligibility for certain programs and placement on probation if applicable.
Probation Supervision
The Case Management unit provides community supervision of defendants who have been convicted of both Felony and/or Misdemeanor offense(s) through the 29th Judicial District Court. Case Managers also provide community supervision for some defendants who have been convicted in other Counties or States, but reside within Wyandotte County. Community supervision consists of but is not limited to office and home visits, drug and alcohol testing, risk/need assessments, referrals to community based services and improving the safety of the community. Case Managers work to assist the defendants with successfully completing individual Orders of Probation assigned by the court and hold the defendant accountable when not incompliance with Probation.
Drug Diversion
The Wyandotte County diversion program supervises misdemeanor and felony drug offenses that are determined eligible for diversion supervision by the Wyandotte County District Attorney’s office. For a term of 12-24 months defendants will be required to complete drug treatment if recommended, submit urinalysis tests, report to their assigned officer, and follow any other orders by the Court or the Court Services Officer. Through supervision we aim to help the defendant find sobriety and maintain a lifestyle that will aid them in maintaining their sobriety throughout the term of diversion and beyond supervision.